Writing quality web content requires thoughtful planning and good writing skills. You might have an experienced writer at the helm, but your quality copy might not pack the same punch without proper web content layout and organization.

Make the content scannable and skim-readable

Let’s face it. Attention spans are short. Your web content layout must be scannable, so users can quickly identify the information they came for. Users who skim-read will notice headers, bullet points, lists, sub-headings, and good spacing between paragraphs.

Things that can make scannability difficult: 

  • Large chunks of copy. You should have a sub-heading every 300 words or so.
  • Run-on sentences. Keep your sentences clear, concise, and short.
  • Huge paragraphs. These are hard to scan. Break up paragraphs into digestible bits of copy.
  • Complicated words. Use words that are easily recognizable to a broad audience.

Have clear navigation

Your web copy might be bang-on, but if you hide the information on the third tier of a poorly labelled navigation menu, it might go unread. In addition, users might not be familiar with your brand, products and services. So, when they visit your website, your offerings should be crystal clear, with noticeable, relevant links to further information in the copy.

Mistakes to avoid with content navigation:

  • Too many menu options. The fewer choices a user can make, the faster they can make a decision.
  • Lengthy menu titles. Keep the menu labels to one or two words, maximum.
  • Hiding the navigational menu. Sometimes this is unavoidable for the mobile version of a responsive website, but not all users understand that the ‘hamburger icon’ will open the menu. Keep your menu items simple and visible when possible.
  • Showing the wrong options. Keep the most relevant menu labels and content at the forefront. Think about what’s most important to your readers.

Hook your reader before they start scrolling

You only have a few seconds to capture a web visitor’s interest. You want those first few bits of copy to hook them so they stay on the website after reading your introduction. For example, you can grab attention with an exciting statistic, a quick story, or an intriguing question.

Here are things that might deter readers:

  • Formal, boring content. Keep it light and casual.
  • Cliches and jargon. Are you really a one-stop shop for all your customers _____ needs?
  • Spelling and grammar errors. It will be hard to take your business seriously with error-riddled content.
  • Hard-sell hyped-up copy. Turn down the volume. Not every sentence needs an exclamation mark!!!!

Circlewood Creative offers web content writing services. We can help you improve your readability, search engine optimization, and brand awareness.

Contact us to start your web content project!