Radio advertising might feel like an old-school marketing tool, but it is still very effective. Marketers often use a 30-second audio ad on traditional radio while repurposing the spot on digital streaming services and social media channels.

Whether used on a local radio station, Spotify, or social platforms, effective audio advertising must capture attention, imagination, and persuade action. And, usually, you have 15 to 30 seconds to do it.

Hiring an experienced creative team can help you create compelling ads that reach your target audience. Here are five things we know about creating effective audio commercials:

Know your target audience

If what your offering doesn’t line up with someone’s values, lifestyle, needs, wants, or budget, it’s going to be nearly impossible to persuade them. Your products and services are not for everyone. Your ads will be more effective if they target a qualified audience, even if that’s a smaller audience. You can do that with your ad content and where you choose to broadcast it. Know who usually uses your goods and services, even those on the fence about them. Then focus your message and craft it to reach that target audience.

Solve a problem

In many cases, people spend money on something to solve a problem. What problem are your goods and services solving for your customers and potential customers? How are you going to make someone’s life or job easier? Can you do it better than your competitors? Recognize the problem and provide the solution.

Evoke imagination

Creative and engaging ad copy can spark someone’s imagination. If the listener can imagine themselves benefiting from what you’re offering, you’re one step closer to persuading them to act. You only have 30 seconds, so you’ll have to do this quickly. You can give them a mental image in the first few seconds of the radio ad copy to get them engaged enough to listen to the core message. Then go full circle by choosing a last mental image that makes a lasting impression.

Be relatable

A relatable brand is more likely to earn someone’s trust. A clear, concise, and relatable audio advertisement will reach more people and make you more likeable. Most people want to support business owners that are normal, honest, down-to-earth people like them. When people feel comfortable with you, they’re more likely to be persuaded by you.

Trust your producer

There is more to effective and engaging audio advertising than just a great script. Listen to the audio producer’s insight, whether the spot is produced at an ad agency, radio station, or in a professional home studio. They’re the ones working with and directing voice talent, choosing sound effects, background music, and all the amazing things that make a radio ad come to life. Be open to their input.

Learn more about our scripting services for radio, television, video, and digital advertising