Sponsored editorial looks like a publication’s usual editorial, but an advertiser pays for the article. For example, you can purchase a sponsored content campaign with a newspaper. The paper will run a story about or related to your business, and it will look like any other article they’d typically publish.

In the old days, sponsored content was called advertorial. Now, marketers refer to it as sponsored content, and it can include social media marketing and other digital advertising services.

What can I write about in my sponsored editorial?

Your sponsored editorial can be about your business, a topic related to your industry, a news story or event, or a specific service or product.

Often, it’s written in a way that doesn’t sound like an obvious or direct sales pitch. For example, it can be about a timely or relevant topic and site you as the industry expert. Sometimes editorial is used to promote an event or accomplishment tied to your business.

This type of marketing content is most successful when the subject matter aligns with your brand. It’s also essential that your writer understands the publication’s core audience and your target demographic.

What are the benefits of sponsored editorial?

The most significant advantage of sponsored content is having a well-known publisher publish and share the content. Your business can benefit from the publisher’s reputation and gain access to an extensive readership. The right editorial can strengthen your brand and reputation across a vast audience.

In addition, your advertising campaign might include other digital marketing strategies. For example, the publication will likely post your article on their social media channels and run an advertising campaign to boost views and engagement.

Who writes sponsored editorial?

Newspapers, television, and radio stations will often offer sponsored content for their print and online editorial. Your campaign fee will include a writing service from the publication in most cases. Then, they’ll assign your article and campaign to an agency like Circlewood Creative, freelance or in-house writers.

Sometimes, the business can be responsible for providing the content for the editorial. You can also waive the writing fee and outsource the content writing to a freelance writer or writing agency like ours.

Our team at Circlewood Creative consists of professional writers with vast experience writing sponsored editorial for Canadian businesses. We have ongoing contracts with local media outlets for sponsored articles and other content marketing pieces. Newspapers, online publications, magazines, radio, and television stations hire us to develop sponsored editorial for their clients.

You can hire us too. Contact us to learn more!