Between podcasts, streaming music and video services, and traditional radio, there are many ways to use audio commercials for advertising your business. But, all successful audio commercials (regardless of the platform) share one thing: clear, thoughtful and engaging scripts.

The script can make or break your audio commercial. So working with a professional scriptwriting company, like Circlewood Creative, can give you a competitive advantage.

Here are some things you should know about scripting audio commercials.

You need to define your audience

All successful marketing efforts require an in-depth knowledge of the target demographic. It’s impossible to create an ad that speaks to your audience if you don’t even know who you’re trying to reach. 

A professional writer will tailor your digital audio ad’s word choice and tone of voice to your desired audience. That way, you don’t push your ideal customer away by using the wrong language. Additionally, every ad (and script) has a personality- and this personality should connect with your demographic.

Invoke imagery and use emotive language

Your ad needs to be engaging. If listeners check out every time your audio spot plays, then it’s not an effective use of your marketing budget.

A compelling audio ad uses a dynamic script to grab listeners’ attention. Literary devices, such as imagery and emotive language, make scripts more interesting and entice the curiosity of listening ears. If you can get the listener to create mental images of what they hear, you’ve captured their attention. Likewise, if you can get them to feel an emotion, they become engaged with your message. Ultimately, this makes your commercial (and company) more memorable.

Clear communication is a must

Illustrative language can make your ad stand out, but don’t overdo it. Your audio commercial still needs to communicate clearly. If you over-complicate your message, it will get lost. Clear and concise ad copy ensures audiences know who you are, what you do, and how you can help. 

Always include a strong call-to-action

A call-to-action (CTA) is essential to every digital audio ad. After all, the whole point of your commercial is to encourage a specific action. For example, perhaps you want to inform your audience of an upcoming sale or promotion so they can take advantage of this fantastic deal. Alternatively, you may be trying to drive more traffic to your retail store or visit a website. A strong script incorporates a CTA that aligns with your goal. 

What do you want the listener to do after hearing your ad?

In the audio advertising space, CTAs have different requirements than in print or on the web. For example, your audience may hear your audio CTA when driving and are unable to jot down your company information. So, your CTA needs to be easy to remember.

Incentives can inspire quick responses

Including an incentive in the script for your audio commercial can inspire listeners to act quickly. Consider offering a limited-time special offer or a discount for the first ___ number of customers that respond to your ad. In audio advertising, quick listener response is a key part of success. You want your audience to act before they forget about your ad.

Need help scripting your audio ad? Contact us to start your project.