Looking for affordable and accessible marketing for your business? Free press is an excellent option. Written editorials (online or print), radio interviews, and local television news segments are all free press available to your company.

Convincing journalists to feature your business can seem daunting, but with a great press release and updated media contact list, it is well worth it.

Find the contact details for relevant publications

First of all, you need to know who to contact. However, this can be easier said than done. If you don’t know where to look or already have a list of potential contacts, you can spend a long time scouring websites for email addresses and phone numbers.

Circlewood Creative does this hard work on your behalf. We already have connections with reputable news publications, radio stations, and local television networks here in Edmonton.

Create targeted pitches to stand out

Your business is one of many trying to get free press. Some newsrooms receive dozens to hundreds of pitches, and press releases daily or weekly. They don’t have time to read every email, and many emails will go unopened. So how can you stand out?

The secret is a targeted pitch tailored to the publication. What type of stories do they like to publish? Does your story have lead times? What demographic do they focus on?

At Circlewood Creative, we craft unique email pitches and press releases that target specific publications. This expertise helps your business stand out amongst the sea of competitors.

Write a well-constructed email pitch or press release

A well-written press release is essential if you’re seeking free press for your business. Firstly, it establishes your business as a professional, reputable organization worthy of a feature. Second, if your press release is already top-notch, then it requires fewer edits from the journalist. It’s less work for them. As a result, they’re more likely to publish your press release.

A professionally written press release also clearly communicates all of the essential information. It’s easy for the journalist to understand what you’re pitching and why it matters. Showcasing the information in this way also increases your likelihood of success.

Be prepared to follow up

Following up can make all the difference in whether your business is awarded with some free press or not.

Sometimes, even a perfectly crafted press release goes unanswered. After all, journalists are busy people. Your pitch might be the ideal fit for a publication, but they might still miss your email. Sending a follow-up email helps ensure they see the pitch. However, if you have sent a few emails to no avail, you’re probably not getting anywhere, and it’s time to stop.

We can help you get the word out if you have some news to share! Learn more about press releases that can get you broadcasted features or published editorials.