This is a common question asked by businesses of all sizes. How often should you post to reap all the benefits of creating blog content, including brand awareness, increased web traffic and SEO? Should you invest in a content subscription?

The short answer is it depends. This article shares information to help you create a posting frequency that will benefit your blog, website and business. Here are things to consider when determining how often you should post blogs on your business website.

1. The age of your blog

The first factor to help you determine your ideal posting schedule is your blog’s maturity (or age). New blogs need to post more frequently than older, more established blogs. Why? Mature blogs should already have a catalogue of high-quality posts that rank on search engines for relevant topics and keywords. Google knows you exist and is ready to provide your content to searchers.

A library of high-quality, well-written, well-researched posts establishes your blog as an authority. As a result, it ranks higher on search engines. Search engines want users to find the information they need, so they identify credible content and direct audiences to their platforms.

On the other hand, new blogs haven’t earned any credibility yet. That’s why the first year of your blog is all about proving yourself to the search engines. You should post high-quality content consistently to establish your blog as an authority. Publishing around 4-8 monthly posts during that first year is a good place to start. And try to post around topic clusters aligned with your brand. Here are helpful tips for creating quality searchable content for your website.

2. The type of content

The type of content also affects your posting schedule. Sticking to a schedule of 6-8 monthly posts can feel challenging when every post requires a lot of time and effort. If they’re quickly written or you’re using unedited and unoptimized AI-generated content, those posts will do more harm than good. Grammar and spelling mistakes, inaccurate information, an inconsistent brand voice and sloppy formatting can damage your brand’s reputation and search engine results.

As a general rule of thumb, prioritize quality over quantity, especially when it comes to complex, niche, in-depth posts! Two to four posts per month is a good goal. Make sure to choose your topic clusters carefully, include highly relevant keywords, and stick to your distribution plan.

3. Your available resources

Sticking to a consistent posting schedule and publishing high-quality content is best. Setting goals is essential, but you also have to be realistic. Ask yourself how much time and effort you can allocate to producing blog content. A realistic schedule will be far easier to maintain than a lofty, idealistic one.

Researching, writing, formatting, and publishing blog posts takes time and effort. If you’ve taken time to do that, you should repurpose that content for your social media posts and have everything fit into a complete content marketing strategy. If you don’t have the time or human resources, consider outsourcing that job to Circlewood Creative. We have basic and cost-effective content subscription packages that ensure content is always published.

Content Subscriptions from Circlewood Creative

Circlewood Creative offers subscription packages to help your blog succeed. These include consultations, content calendar creation, regular blog posts, and scheduled social media posts that promote your blog. We can produce 2-8 articles per month, depending on your needs and budget.

Get started with a content subscription today!