In 2023, AI became easily and widely available to business owners and marketers. This new technology has made generating written online content almost instantaneous. This is a new and exciting tool, but AI-generated content has several significant disadvantages if not used properly or with careful attention.

Incorrectly using AI-generated content for your business’s marketing has risks. It can harm your website’s SEO, brand identity, and reputation. 

Harm SEO rankings

One of the main purposes of online written content is to boost your website’s SEO ranking. Blog posts, landing pages, and other website content should all be tailored to appeal to search engines, thus increasing your website’s visibility and discoverability. However, AI-generated content is running into problems with search engines.

Most AI-written content lacks the attributes that search engines look for. It’s often lower in quality and lacks the skillful presentation that engages readers. Additionally, these posts frequently look like spam because of repetitiveness, duplicate content, and low-quality information.

Generic content

Successful online content engages readers with emotive language, precise word choice, and crystal-clear delivery of ideas. AI-generated content often struggles in these areas. It tends to feel flat and lifeless, lacking the creativity and originality that brings value to readers. It also doesn’t convey the richness of your unique brand identity, which is something human writers can do.

The content is generic- even repetitive. In fact, when our clients bring us AI-generated content for editing, each article essentially looks and reads the same. Across different industries and businesses, this content is obviously AI-generated and a little…blah. 

Not only does this diminish user experience, but it can drive potential customers away from your website. Instead of making a lasting positive impression on viewers, your website blends in with competitors. 

False content

AI-generated content can be fabricated by those bots entirely. While an article might read okay, a careful inspection can find false and sometimes fictional information. Without the right prompting, AI content generators like ChatGPT can fabricate facts and statistics to accompany the text. It is just telling a story, whether it’s fact or fiction!

If you can catch these through fact-checking, you can sometimes find the data source. Other times, ChatGPT will apologize for the miscommunication and fabricated information. 

How to Use AI-Generated Content

Ultimately, using AI-generated content without careful planning and editing is risky. Some might think using AI to write content is a time and money saver, but that is not always true. Generating content with an AI often takes longer because it requires much prompting, editing, fact-checking, re-prompting, and adjusting.

If you choose to generate content with AI, you must review, fact-check, and edit it before publishing. This is an essential step in quality control. Proper editing can curtail the problems that accompany AI-written content.

Circlewood Creative offers editing services where we review and revise AI-generated articles. We add human emotion and connection, which makes the content feel more personal and resonate better with audiences. Additionally, we revise the articles to be consistent with your brand voice and ensure it is original. Circlewood Creative also optimizes the post for SEO to reach the target audience effectively.

Have more questions? We are happy to help. Contact our team!