Writing a blog for your business has several benefits. It allows you to connect with your customers and gain recognition with potential customers that haven’t heard about your business yet. Business blog content also increases organic search engine results and provides original content to post on your social media channels.

Where do you start? What makes a good blog post?

Consider the audience

You’re writing blog articles to attract and engage your target audience. First, think about your typical customer and potential customers. What problems do they need to solve? What information are they interested in or searching for?

Remember your brand voice

Always write your blogs in your brand voice. Is your business portrayed as friendly but formal? Are you goofy and laid back? Keeping your brand voice consistent throughout your communications, including blogging and social media, allows you to build your business’s unique persona. In addition, a consistent brand voice and tone will help build relationships and trust with your audience.

Give readers something worth reading

Blogging is good for business, but you must do it right. Your audience won’t care much for blogs full of fluff, and it certainly won’t keep them coming back for more. So instead, make sure your blog posts are engaging, interesting, and educational. Your content should answer questions, solve problems, and keep users interested in what you’ve written.

Not sure where to start? Just start telling your story! Storytelling is the best way to hook and engage readers. Your blog article will likely begin to take shape and be in your brand voice by starting with a story.

Make it easy to read

One of the most common mistakes business owners make when writing a blog is making it difficult to read. You might be the subject matter expert and have important details to include, but your readers want content that is easy to read and digest. Here’s how you can do that for them:

  • Use shorter, easy-to-read sentences. It is best if each sentence only delivers a single idea.
  • Break up the content with headings, sub-headings, and smaller paragraphs. Often, readers are scanning for the information they seek, and breaking up the content helps them find it.
  • Use visuals like images, video, and graphics to help paint the picture. Avoid using media that isn’t connected to the subject matter or without purpose.
  • Include interesting quotes, links to helpful resources, and facts about the subject.
  • Have a clear call to action. For example, if the reader wants to contact you to learn more, there should be a straightforward way for them to do that.

Outsource your business blog content

Hiring a professional blog content writer will ensure your blog posts are well-written, engaging, consistent with your brand, and optimized for search engine results.

The team at Circlewood Creative will work with you to determine the most influential blog topics for your business. We will create content that your audience and Google will love and can help you format the content on your website’s blog.

Contact us to get started.