As a successful entrepreneur, you have a proven skill set. Not only do you know the ins and outs of running your business, but you’re also an expert in your industry. Your customers know they can rely on you for quality products and services.

But however many hats you wear as a business owner, it’s unlikely that you excel at everything. For many entrepreneurs, web content and DIY web building is one of those weak spots. Given the importance of websites for new customer acquisition and online sales, this can be detrimental to your business.

Circlewood Creative is here to help. The first step is to declutter your website. We explain why this is so important.

Customer Experience

If your website is cluttered and confusing, no one will stick around! Consumers will only put the effort into exploring your website or purchasing your products if you make it easy for them. They’ll simply click the back button and head to a competitor’s website.

Ultimately, consumers want ease and simplicity. That’s why a clear, concise, and organized website is better for your customers. They should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and effortlessly.

Don’t overwhelm them with information, either. You might have a lot of expertise to share, and you’re passionate about your work, but too much can be, well, too much.

A cluttered website, overloaded with content and pages, leads to visual and mental overwhelm. Simplicity is your friend. Use empty space to break content into easily digestible pieces, include images and video appropriately (and sparingly if necessary), and avoid lengthy copy.

More Conversions

Cluttered websites do not convert traffic into sales. Instead, they could actually repel potential customers. If placing an order or finding the information they need is too difficult, visitors will take their business elsewhere.

When a potential customer visits your website, the next steps need to be logical and straightforward. From learning about your services to adding products to their cart and finally clicking “purchase” or contacting you for a consultation, there should be no confusion. You want purchasing to be as easy as possible. If that customer can get to the conversion stage, you might need to declutter your website.

Superior SEO

Potential customers aren’t the only ones affected by cluttered websites. Search engines look at the navigational menu and organizational structure when crawling and indexing your website. If something is awry, your website won’t rank, making it harder for new customers to discover you.

Google and other search engines prioritize websites that are organized, readable, streamlined, and easy to navigate. To significantly improve your website’s SEO, start decluttering and organizing.

Professional Appearance

Your business must look professional. Otherwise, potential customers are unlikely to trust you with their business. They might think your company is a scam or providing poor-quality products or services.

An organized and beautifully designed website with professionally written content inspires confidence. It lets customers know that you are a reputable and reliable organization. Your brand reputation will improve, and increased sales will follow.

Circlewood Creative offers website audits and optimization. We transform your cluttered website into a professional and effective platform for your business.

If you’re just starting out or need a hand, check out our web content starter packs.