Social media content has an incredible ability to increase web traffic and build brand awareness. However, many businesses are yet to take full advantage of this online marketing platform.

It takes a lot of effort, time, and sometimes money to truly reap the benefits of social media marketing. A part of that effort is posting regular social media content on your company’s channels.

Build your brand

Brand awareness

Regular social media content can help you increase brand awareness and brand loyalty. It’s one of the most effective marketing tools to enhance visibility. Your customers and potential customers can see your brand on their social feeds.

Brand loyalty

Consistency on social media will help build loyalty among your followers and customers. You’ll provide opportunities for engagement and remain top of mind. Brand awareness turned to loyalty results in increased sales.

Brand authority

Regular social media posts relevant to your products and services will show you’re an authority on the subject. It shows you’re competent, and your customers will see you as the expert. A strong brand authority will make an excellent first impression on new customers.

Increase SERP rankings

Your customer plugs in key search terms into Google. Then, the search engine delivers a list of URLs that relate to that search. Those list items are called Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). Social media posts can help you increase your organic SERP rating.

The goal of search engine optimization (SEO) is to help your company get a higher spot on the first SERP page. Social media content can help with that. When you share your posts, and your audience amplifies it, you create more visibility, web traffic and can generate backlinks. As a result, Google indexes your website content as important and starts producing it in search engine results. You can learn more about how social media impacts SEO.

Social media content boosts SERP rankings

  • Focus on quality over quantity. Of course, regular posting is essential, but only if you’re posting something valuable to your audience. Google cares about quality.
  • Post links back to your website. These backlinks from social help Google index your web content.
  • Post engaging content that will increase reach, engagement, and shares. When your links get shared, you increase your backlinks.

If you need help creating and scheduling quality social media content, contact Circlewood Creative.