What comes into your mind when you think about storytelling? Campfire stories, bedtime stories, life stories? Stories in books and movies and television shows? What about the story of your brand?

Storytelling is an effective communication tool. It transforms information and impersonal data into engaging, relatable, easy-to-understand narratives. That’s why stories are still the best way to share information and engage audiences.

How you deliver your story is highly significant. It impacts comprehension and whether your content (and brand) is memorable. Additionally, a good story conveys your brand personality and helps consumers feel like they “know” your brand. Everyone is more likely to stick with what they know, increasing brand loyalty.

Here are some key attributes of storytelling that you can apply to your business communications, such as your blog, email marketing, or social media.


Entertaining content is more enjoyable to read and more memorable. Moreover, audiences are more likely to actually read content that they find entertaining. Although entertaining content can use humour to captivate readers, it doesn’t have to. Your business can also use a compelling narrative or intriguing detail to keep their attention.


What can you teach someone? Educational blog posts can provide readers with immense value, making them a highly effective addition to your business’s website. The content should reveal new insights, provide more information, answer simple questions or explain complex topics to help readers learn something.


Audiences are interested primarily in content that is relevant to them. If the story, information, or solution has nothing to do with them, why would they read it? How can you tell the story to reach a broader audience?

It’s important to make your story relatable. Make it crystal clear why they need the information or the product/service you’re offering. Try to connect personally by addressing the challenges or experiences that they face in everyday life.


When a story is memorable, so is your business! Crafting a memorable story helps cement your brand in the audience’s mind. You can make a lasting impression by incorporating interesting facts, unique angles, exciting narratives, and engaging language into your blog posts.


Authenticity and honesty are paramount in all aspects of your business, including your blog! Every story you share should be credible, trustworthy, and contain accurate information. All real-life examples need to have happened, and every piece of data needs to be factual. Don’t make anything up, even if it makes for a “better” story!


Your business’s blog should not consist of entirely trendy content. However, incorporating current trends and hot topics into some of your posts can make them feel more relevant and appealing. That being said, you should only include trends that are relevant to your specific business and industry.

Contact Circlewood Creative, the storytelling experts.

At Circlewood Creative, we understand how to craft a compelling, memorable, and engaging story. Our professional writers are ready to populate your business’s blog with content that impacts audiences.

Learn about our content subscriptions.